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12. Serial Correlation and Heteroskedasticity in Time Series Regressions

%pip install numpy pandas pandas_datareader patsy statsmodels wooldridge -q
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import numpy as np  # noqa
import pandas as pd
import patsy as pt
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import wooldridge as wool

12.1 Testing for Serial Correlation of the Error Term

Example 12.2: Testing for AR(1) Serial Correlation

phillips ="phillips")
T = len(phillips)

# define yearly time series beginning in 1948:
date_range = pd.date_range(start="1948", periods=T, freq="YE")
phillips.index = date_range.year

# estimation of static Phillips curve:
yt96 = phillips["year"] <= 1996
reg_s = smf.ols(formula='Q("inf") ~ unem', data=phillips, subset=yt96)
results_s =

# residuals and AR(1) test:
phillips["resid_s"] = results_s.resid
phillips["resid_s_lag1"] = phillips["resid_s"].shift(1)
reg = smf.ols(formula="resid_s ~ resid_s_lag1", data=phillips, subset=yt96)
results =

# print regression table:
table = pd.DataFrame(
        "b": round(results.params, 4),
        "se": round(results.bse, 4),
        "t": round(results.tvalues, 4),
        "pval": round(results.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table: \n{table}\n")
                   b      se       t    pval
Intercept    -0.1134  0.3594 -0.3155  0.7538
resid_s_lag1  0.5730  0.1161  4.9337  0.0000

phillips ="phillips")
T = len(phillips)

# define yearly time series beginning in 1948:
date_range = pd.date_range(start="1948", periods=T, freq="YE")
phillips.index = date_range.year

# estimation of expectations-augmented Phillips curve:
yt96 = phillips["year"] <= 1996
phillips["inf_diff1"] = phillips["inf"].diff()
reg_ea = smf.ols(formula="inf_diff1 ~ unem", data=phillips, subset=yt96)
results_ea =

phillips["resid_ea"] = results_ea.resid
phillips["resid_ea_lag1"] = phillips["resid_ea"].shift(1)
reg = smf.ols(formula="resid_ea ~ resid_ea_lag1", data=phillips, subset=yt96)
results =

# print regression table:
table = pd.DataFrame(
        "b": round(results.params, 4),
        "se": round(results.bse, 4),
        "t": round(results.tvalues, 4),
        "pval": round(results.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table: \n{table}\n")
                    b      se       t    pval
Intercept      0.1942  0.3004  0.6464  0.5213
resid_ea_lag1 -0.0356  0.1239 -0.2873  0.7752

Example 12.4: Testing for AR(3) Serial Correlation

barium ="barium")
T = len(barium)

# monthly time series starting Feb. 1978:
barium.index = pd.date_range(start="1978-02", periods=T, freq="ME")

reg = smf.ols(
    formula="np.log(chnimp) ~ np.log(chempi) + np.log(gas) +"
    "np.log(rtwex) + befile6 + affile6 + afdec6",
results =

# automatic test:
bg_result = sm.stats.diagnostic.acorr_breusch_godfrey(results, nlags=3)
fstat_auto = bg_result[2]
fpval_auto = bg_result[3]
print(f"fstat_auto: {fstat_auto}\n")
print(f"fpval_auto: {fpval_auto}\n")
fstat_auto: 5.124662239772472

fpval_auto: 0.0022637197671316776

# pedestrian test:
barium["resid"] = results.resid
barium["resid_lag1"] = barium["resid"].shift(1)
barium["resid_lag2"] = barium["resid"].shift(2)
barium["resid_lag3"] = barium["resid"].shift(3)

reg_manual = smf.ols(
    formula="resid ~ resid_lag1 + resid_lag2 + resid_lag3 +"
    "np.log(chempi) + np.log(gas) + np.log(rtwex) +"
    "befile6 + affile6 + afdec6",
results_manual =

hypotheses = ["resid_lag1 = 0", "resid_lag2 = 0", "resid_lag3 = 0"]
ftest_manual = results_manual.f_test(hypotheses)
fstat_manual = ftest_manual.statistic
fpval_manual = ftest_manual.pvalue
print(f"fstat_manual: {fstat_manual}\n")
print(f"fpval_manual: {fpval_manual}\n")
fstat_manual: 5.122907054069379

fpval_manual: 0.002289802832966284

phillips ="phillips")
T = len(phillips)

# define yearly time series beginning in 1948:
date_range = pd.date_range(start="1948", periods=T, freq="YE")
phillips.index = date_range.year

# estimation of both Phillips curve models:
yt96 = phillips["year"] <= 1996
phillips["inf_diff1"] = phillips["inf"].diff()
reg_s = smf.ols(formula='Q("inf") ~ unem', data=phillips, subset=yt96)
reg_ea = smf.ols(formula="inf_diff1 ~ unem", data=phillips, subset=yt96)
results_s =
results_ea =

# DW tests:
DW_s = sm.stats.stattools.durbin_watson(results_s.resid)
DW_ea = sm.stats.stattools.durbin_watson(results_ea.resid)
print(f"DW_s: {DW_s}\n")
print(f"DW_ea: {DW_ea}\n")
DW_s: 0.802700467848626

DW_ea: 1.7696478574549563

12.2 FGLS Estimation

Example 12.5: Cochrane-Orcutt Estimation

barium ="barium")
T = len(barium)

# monthly time series starting Feb. 1978:
barium.index = pd.date_range(start="1978-02", periods=T, freq="ME")

# perform the Cochrane-Orcutt estimation (iterative procedure):
y, X = pt.dmatrices(
    "np.log(chnimp) ~ np.log(chempi) + np.log(gas) +"
    "np.log(rtwex) + befile6 + affile6 + afdec6",
reg = sm.GLSAR(y, X)
CORC_results = reg.iterative_fit(maxiter=100)
table = pd.DataFrame({"b_CORC": CORC_results.params, "se_CORC": CORC_results.bse})
print(f"reg.rho: {reg.rho}\n")
print(f"table: \n{table}\n")
reg.rho: [0.29585313]

                   b_CORC    se_CORC
Intercept      -37.512978  23.239015
np.log(chempi)   2.945448   0.647696
np.log(gas)      1.063321   0.991558
np.log(rtwex)    1.138404   0.514910
befile6         -0.017314   0.321390
affile6         -0.033108   0.323806
afdec6          -0.577328   0.344075

12.3 Serial Correlation-Robust Inference with OLS

Example 12.1: The Puerto Rican Minimum Wage

prminwge ="prminwge")
T = len(prminwge)
prminwge["time"] = prminwge["year"] - 1949
prminwge.index = pd.date_range(start="1950", periods=T, freq="YE").year

# OLS regression:
reg = smf.ols(
    formula="np.log(prepop) ~ np.log(mincov) + np.log(prgnp) +np.log(usgnp) + time",

# results with regular SE:
results_regu =

# print regression table:
table_regu = pd.DataFrame(
        "b": round(results_regu.params, 4),
        "se": round(results_regu.bse, 4),
        "t": round(results_regu.tvalues, 4),
        "pval": round(results_regu.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table_regu: \n{table_regu}\n")
                     b      se       t    pval
Intercept      -6.6634  1.2578 -5.2976  0.0000
np.log(mincov) -0.2123  0.0402 -5.2864  0.0000
np.log(prgnp)   0.2852  0.0805  3.5437  0.0012
np.log(usgnp)   0.4860  0.2220  2.1896  0.0357
time           -0.0267  0.0046 -5.7629  0.0000

# results with HAC SE:
results_hac ="HAC", cov_kwds={"maxlags": 2})

# print regression table:
table_hac = pd.DataFrame(
        "b": round(results_hac.params, 4),
        "se": round(results_hac.bse, 4),
        "t": round(results_hac.tvalues, 4),
        "pval": round(results_hac.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table_hac: \n{table_hac}\n")
                     b      se       t    pval
Intercept      -6.6634  1.4318 -4.6539  0.0000
np.log(mincov) -0.2123  0.0426 -4.9821  0.0000
np.log(prgnp)   0.2852  0.0928  3.0720  0.0021
np.log(usgnp)   0.4860  0.2601  1.8687  0.0617
time           -0.0267  0.0054 -4.9710  0.0000

12.4 Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity

Example 12.9: ARCH in Stock Returns

nyse ="nyse")
nyse["ret"] = nyse["return"]
nyse["ret_lag1"] = nyse["ret"].shift(1)

# linear regression of model:
reg = smf.ols(formula="ret ~ ret_lag1", data=nyse)
results =

# squared residuals:
nyse["resid_sq"] = results.resid**2
nyse["resid_sq_lag1"] = nyse["resid_sq"].shift(1)

# model for squared residuals:
ARCHreg = smf.ols(formula="resid_sq ~ resid_sq_lag1", data=nyse)
results_ARCH =

# print regression table:
table = pd.DataFrame(
        "b": round(results_ARCH.params, 4),
        "se": round(results_ARCH.bse, 4),
        "t": round(results_ARCH.tvalues, 4),
        "pval": round(results_ARCH.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table: \n{table}\n")
                    b      se       t  pval
Intercept      2.9474  0.4402  6.6951   0.0
resid_sq_lag1  0.3371  0.0359  9.3767   0.0