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7. Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Regressors

%pip install matplotlib numpy pandas statsmodels wooldridge -q
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import numpy as np  # noqa
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import wooldridge as wool

7.1 Linear Regression with Dummy Variables as Regressors

Example 7.1: Hourly Wage Equation

wage1 ="wage1")

reg = smf.ols(formula="wage ~ female + educ + exper + tenure", data=wage1)
results =

# print regression table:
table = pd.DataFrame(
        "b": round(results.params, 4),
        "se": round(results.bse, 4),
        "t": round(results.tvalues, 4),
        "pval": round(results.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table: \n{table}\n")
                b      se        t    pval
Intercept -1.5679  0.7246  -2.1640  0.0309
female    -1.8109  0.2648  -6.8379  0.0000
educ       0.5715  0.0493  11.5836  0.0000
exper      0.0254  0.0116   2.1951  0.0286
tenure     0.1410  0.0212   6.6632  0.0000

Example 7.6: Log Hourly Wage Equation

wage1 ="wage1")

reg = smf.ols(
    formula="np.log(wage) ~ married*female + educ + exper +"
    "I(exper**2) + tenure + I(tenure**2)",
results =

# print regression table:
table = pd.DataFrame(
        "b": round(results.params, 4),
        "se": round(results.bse, 4),
        "t": round(results.tvalues, 4),
        "pval": round(results.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table: \n{table}\n")
                     b      se        t    pval
Intercept       0.3214  0.1000   3.2135  0.0014
married         0.2127  0.0554   3.8419  0.0001
female         -0.1104  0.0557  -1.9797  0.0483
married:female -0.3006  0.0718  -4.1885  0.0000
educ            0.0789  0.0067  11.7873  0.0000
exper           0.0268  0.0052   5.1118  0.0000
I(exper ** 2)  -0.0005  0.0001  -4.8471  0.0000
tenure          0.0291  0.0068   4.3016  0.0000
I(tenure ** 2) -0.0005  0.0002  -2.3056  0.0215

7.2 Boolean variables

wage1 ="wage1")

# regression with boolean variable:
wage1["isfemale"] = wage1["female"] == 1
reg = smf.ols(formula="wage ~ isfemale + educ + exper + tenure", data=wage1)
results =

# print regression table:
table = pd.DataFrame(
        "b": round(results.params, 4),
        "se": round(results.bse, 4),
        "t": round(results.tvalues, 4),
        "pval": round(results.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table: \n{table}\n")
                       b      se        t    pval
Intercept        -1.5679  0.7246  -2.1640  0.0309
isfemale[T.True] -1.8109  0.2648  -6.8379  0.0000
educ              0.5715  0.0493  11.5836  0.0000
exper             0.0254  0.0116   2.1951  0.0286
tenure            0.1410  0.0212   6.6632  0.0000

7.3 Categorical Variables

CPS1985 = pd.read_csv("../data/CPS1985.csv")
# rename variable to make outputs more compact:
CPS1985["oc"] = CPS1985["occupation"]

# table of categories and frequencies for two categorical variables:
freq_gender = pd.crosstab(CPS1985["gender"], columns="count")
print(f"freq_gender: \n{freq_gender}\n")

freq_occupation = pd.crosstab(CPS1985["oc"], columns="count")
print(f"freq_occupation: \n{freq_occupation}\n")
col_0   count
female    245
male      289

col_0       count
management     55
office         97
sales          38
services       83
technical     105
worker        156

# directly using categorical variables in regression formula:
reg = smf.ols(
    formula="np.log(wage) ~ education +experience + C(gender) + C(oc)",
results =

# print regression table:
table = pd.DataFrame(
        "b": round(results.params, 4),
        "se": round(results.bse, 4),
        "t": round(results.tvalues, 4),
        "pval": round(results.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table: \n{table}\n")
                         b      se       t    pval
Intercept           0.9050  0.1717  5.2718  0.0000
C(gender)[T.male]   0.2238  0.0423  5.2979  0.0000
C(oc)[]    -0.2073  0.0776 -2.6699  0.0078
C(oc)[T.sales]     -0.3601  0.0936 -3.8455  0.0001
C(oc)[]  -0.3626  0.0818 -4.4305  0.0000
C(oc)[T.technical] -0.0101  0.0740 -0.1363  0.8916
C(oc)[T.worker]    -0.1525  0.0763 -1.9981  0.0462
education           0.0759  0.0101  7.5449  0.0000
experience          0.0119  0.0017  7.0895  0.0000

# rerun regression with different reference category:
reg_newref = smf.ols(
    formula="np.log(wage) ~ education + experience + "
    'C(gender, Treatment("male")) + '
    'C(oc, Treatment("technical"))',
results_newref =

# print results:
table_newref = pd.DataFrame(
        "b": round(results_newref.params, 4),
        "se": round(results_newref.bse, 4),
        "t": round(results_newref.tvalues, 4),
        "pval": round(results_newref.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table_newref: \n{table_newref}\n")
                                                  b      se       t    pval
Intercept                                    1.1187  0.1765  6.3393  0.0000
C(gender, Treatment("male"))[T.female]      -0.2238  0.0423 -5.2979  0.0000
C(oc, Treatment("technical"))[]  0.0101  0.0740  0.1363  0.8916
C(oc, Treatment("technical"))[]     -0.1972  0.0678 -2.9082  0.0038
C(oc, Treatment("technical"))[T.sales]      -0.3500  0.0863 -4.0541  0.0001
C(oc, Treatment("technical"))[]   -0.3525  0.0750 -4.7030  0.0000
C(oc, Treatment("technical"))[T.worker]     -0.1425  0.0705 -2.0218  0.0437
education                                    0.0759  0.0101  7.5449  0.0000
experience                                   0.0119  0.0017  7.0895  0.0000

7.3.1 ANOVA Tables

CPS1985 = pd.read_csv("../data/CPS1985.csv")

# run regression:
reg = smf.ols(
    formula="np.log(wage) ~ education + experience + gender + occupation",
results =

# print regression table:
table_reg = pd.DataFrame(
        "b": round(results.params, 4),
        "se": round(results.bse, 4),
        "t": round(results.tvalues, 4),
        "pval": round(results.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table_reg: \n{table_reg}\n")
                              b      se       t    pval
Intercept                0.9050  0.1717  5.2718  0.0000
gender[T.male]           0.2238  0.0423  5.2979  0.0000
occupation[]    -0.2073  0.0776 -2.6699  0.0078
occupation[T.sales]     -0.3601  0.0936 -3.8455  0.0001
occupation[]  -0.3626  0.0818 -4.4305  0.0000
occupation[T.technical] -0.0101  0.0740 -0.1363  0.8916
occupation[T.worker]    -0.1525  0.0763 -1.9981  0.0462
education                0.0759  0.0101  7.5449  0.0000
experience               0.0119  0.0017  7.0895  0.0000

# ANOVA table:
table_anova = sm.stats.anova_lm(results, typ=2)
print(f"table_anova: \n{table_anova}\n")
                sum_sq     df          F        PR(>F)
gender        5.414018    1.0  28.067296  1.727015e-07
occupation    7.152529    5.0   7.416013  9.805485e-07
education    10.980589    1.0  56.925450  2.010374e-13
experience    9.695055    1.0  50.261001  4.365391e-12
Residual    101.269451  525.0        NaN           NaN

7.4 Breaking a Numeric Variable Into Categories

Example 7.8: Effects of Law School Rankings on Starting Salaries

lawsch85 ="lawsch85")

# define cut points for the rank:
cutpts = [0, 10, 25, 40, 60, 100, 175]

# create categorical variable containing ranges for the rank:
lawsch85["rc"] = pd.cut(
    labels=["(0,10]", "(10,25]", "(25,40]", "(40,60]", "(60,100]", "(100,175]"],

# display frequencies:
freq = pd.crosstab(lawsch85["rc"], columns="count")
print(f"freq: \n{freq}\n")
col_0      count
(0,10]        10
(10,25]       16
(25,40]       13
(40,60]       18
(60,100]      37
(100,175]     62

# run regression:
reg = smf.ols(
    formula='np.log(salary) ~ C(rc, Treatment("(100,175]")) +'
    "LSAT + GPA + np.log(libvol) + np.log(cost)",
results =

# print regression table:
table_reg = pd.DataFrame(
        "b": round(results.params, 4),
        "se": round(results.bse, 4),
        "t": round(results.tvalues, 4),
        "pval": round(results.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table_reg: \n{table_reg}\n")
                                                b      se        t    pval
Intercept                                  9.1653  0.4114  22.2770  0.0000
C(rc, Treatment("(100,175]"))[T.(0,10]]    0.6996  0.0535  13.0780  0.0000
C(rc, Treatment("(100,175]"))[T.(10,25]]   0.5935  0.0394  15.0493  0.0000
C(rc, Treatment("(100,175]"))[T.(25,40]]   0.3751  0.0341  11.0054  0.0000
C(rc, Treatment("(100,175]"))[T.(40,60]]   0.2628  0.0280   9.3991  0.0000
C(rc, Treatment("(100,175]"))[T.(60,100]]  0.1316  0.0210   6.2540  0.0000
LSAT                                       0.0057  0.0031   1.8579  0.0655
GPA                                        0.0137  0.0742   0.1850  0.8535
np.log(libvol)                             0.0364  0.0260   1.3976  0.1647
np.log(cost)                               0.0008  0.0251   0.0335  0.9734

# ANOVA table:
table_anova = sm.stats.anova_lm(results, typ=2)
print(f"table_anova: \n{table_anova}\n")
                                 sum_sq     df          F        PR(>F)
C(rc, Treatment("(100,175]"))  1.868867    5.0  50.962988  1.174406e-28
LSAT                           0.025317    1.0   3.451900  6.551320e-02
GPA                            0.000251    1.0   0.034225  8.535262e-01
np.log(libvol)                 0.014327    1.0   1.953419  1.646748e-01
np.log(cost)                   0.000008    1.0   0.001120  9.733564e-01
Residual                       0.924111  126.0        NaN           NaN

7.5 Interactions and Differences in Regression Functions Across Groups

gpa3 ="gpa3")

# model with full interactions with female dummy (only for spring data):
reg = smf.ols(
    formula="cumgpa ~ female * (sat + hsperc + tothrs)",
    subset=(gpa3["spring"] == 1),
results =

# print regression table:
table = pd.DataFrame(
        "b": round(results.params, 4),
        "se": round(results.bse, 4),
        "t": round(results.tvalues, 4),
        "pval": round(results.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table: \n{table}\n")
                    b      se       t    pval
Intercept      1.4808  0.2073  7.1422  0.0000
female        -0.3535  0.4105 -0.8610  0.3898
sat            0.0011  0.0002  5.8073  0.0000
hsperc        -0.0085  0.0014 -6.1674  0.0000
tothrs         0.0023  0.0009  2.7182  0.0069
female:sat     0.0008  0.0004  1.9488  0.0521
female:hsperc -0.0005  0.0032 -0.1739  0.8621
female:tothrs -0.0001  0.0016 -0.0712  0.9433

# F-Test for H0 (the interaction coefficients of 'female' are zero):
hypotheses = ["female = 0", "female:sat = 0", "female:hsperc = 0", "female:tothrs = 0"]
ftest = results.f_test(hypotheses)
fstat = ftest.statistic
fpval = ftest.pvalue

print(f"fstat: {fstat}\n")
print(f"fpval: {fpval}\n")
fstat: 8.179111637044619

fpval: 2.544637191829608e-06

gpa3 ="gpa3")

# estimate model for males (& spring data):
reg_m = smf.ols(
    formula="cumgpa ~ sat + hsperc + tothrs",
    subset=(gpa3["spring"] == 1) & (gpa3["female"] == 0),
results_m =

# print regression table:
table_m = pd.DataFrame(
        "b": round(results_m.params, 4),
        "se": round(results_m.bse, 4),
        "t": round(results_m.tvalues, 4),
        "pval": round(results_m.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table_m: \n{table_m}\n")
                b      se       t    pval
Intercept  1.4808  0.2060  7.1894  0.0000
sat        0.0011  0.0002  5.8458  0.0000
hsperc    -0.0085  0.0014 -6.2082  0.0000
tothrs     0.0023  0.0009  2.7362  0.0066

# estimate model for females (& spring data):
reg_f = smf.ols(
    formula="cumgpa ~ sat + hsperc + tothrs",
    subset=(gpa3["spring"] == 1) & (gpa3["female"] == 1),
results_f =

# print regression table:
table_f = pd.DataFrame(
        "b": round(results_f.params, 4),
        "se": round(results_f.bse, 4),
        "t": round(results_f.tvalues, 4),
        "pval": round(results_f.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table_f: \n{table_f}\n")
                b      se       t    pval
Intercept  1.1273  0.3616  3.1176  0.0025
sat        0.0018  0.0003  5.1950  0.0000
hsperc    -0.0090  0.0029 -3.0956  0.0027
tothrs     0.0022  0.0014  1.5817  0.1174