%pip install matplotlib numpy pandas statsmodels wooldridge scipy -q
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence as smo
import wooldridge as wool
from scipy import stats
hprice1 = wool.data("hprice1")
# original OLS:
reg = smf.ols(formula="price ~ lotsize + sqrft + bdrms", data=hprice1)
results = reg.fit()
# regression for RESET test:
hprice1["fitted_sq"] = results.fittedvalues**2
hprice1["fitted_cub"] = results.fittedvalues**3
reg_reset = smf.ols(
formula="price ~ lotsize + sqrft + bdrms + fitted_sq + fitted_cub",
results_reset = reg_reset.fit()
# print regression table:
table = pd.DataFrame(
"b": round(results_reset.params, 4),
"se": round(results_reset.bse, 4),
"t": round(results_reset.tvalues, 4),
"pval": round(results_reset.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table: \n{table}\n")
b se t pval
Intercept 166.0973 317.4325 0.5233 0.6022
lotsize 0.0002 0.0052 0.0295 0.9765
sqrft 0.0176 0.2993 0.0588 0.9532
bdrms 2.1749 33.8881 0.0642 0.9490
fitted_sq 0.0004 0.0071 0.0498 0.9604
fitted_cub 0.0000 0.0000 0.2358 0.8142
# RESET test (H0: all coeffs including "fitted" are=0):
hypotheses = ["fitted_sq = 0", "fitted_cub = 0"]
ftest_man = results_reset.f_test(hypotheses)
fstat_man = ftest_man.statistic
fpval_man = ftest_man.pvalue
print(f"fstat_man: {fstat_man}\n")
print(f"fpval_man: {fpval_man}\n")
fstat_man: 4.668205534946464
fpval_man: 0.012021711442908005
hprice1 = wool.data("hprice1")
# original linear regression:
reg = smf.ols(formula="price ~ lotsize + sqrft + bdrms", data=hprice1)
results = reg.fit()
# automated RESET test:
reset_output = smo.reset_ramsey(res=results, degree=3)
fstat_auto = reset_output.statistic
fpval_auto = reset_output.pvalue
print(f"fstat_auto: {fstat_auto}\n")
print(f"fpval_auto: {fpval_auto}\n")
fstat_auto: 4.668205534948772
fpval_auto: 0.012021711442883198
hprice1 = wool.data("hprice1")
# two alternative models:
reg1 = smf.ols(formula="price ~ lotsize + sqrft + bdrms", data=hprice1)
results1 = reg1.fit()
reg2 = smf.ols(
formula="price ~ np.log(lotsize) +np.log(sqrft) + bdrms",
results2 = reg2.fit()
# encompassing test of Davidson & MacKinnon:
# comprehensive model:
reg3 = smf.ols(
formula="price ~ lotsize + sqrft + bdrms + np.log(lotsize) + np.log(sqrft)",
results3 = reg3.fit()
# model 1 vs. comprehensive model:
anovaResults1 = sm.stats.anova_lm(results1, results3)
print(f"anovaResults1: \n{anovaResults1}\n")
df_resid ssr df_diff ss_diff F Pr(>F)
0 84.0 300723.805123 0.0 NaN NaN NaN
1 82.0 252340.364481 2.0 48383.440642 7.861291 0.000753
# model 2 vs. comprehensive model:
anovaResults2 = sm.stats.anova_lm(results2, results3)
print(f"anovaResults2: \n{anovaResults2}\n")
df_resid ssr df_diff ss_diff F Pr(>F)
0 84.0 295735.273607 0.0 NaN NaN NaN
1 82.0 252340.364481 2.0 43394.909126 7.05076 0.001494
9.2 Measurement Error¶
# set the random seed:
# set sample size and number of simulations:
n = 1000
r = 10000
# set true parameters (betas):
beta0 = 1
beta1 = 0.5
# initialize arrays to store results later (b1 without ME, b1_me with ME):
b1 = np.empty(r)
b1_me = np.empty(r)
# draw a sample of x, fixed over replications:
x = stats.norm.rvs(4, 1, size=n)
# repeat r times:
for i in range(r):
# draw a sample of u:
u = stats.norm.rvs(0, 1, size=n)
# draw a sample of ystar:
ystar = beta0 + beta1 * x + u
# measurement error and mismeasured y:
e0 = stats.norm.rvs(0, 1, size=n)
y = ystar + e0
df = pd.DataFrame({"ystar": ystar, "y": y, "x": x})
# regress ystar on x and store slope estimate at position i:
reg_star = smf.ols(formula="ystar ~ x", data=df)
results_star = reg_star.fit()
b1[i] = results_star.params["x"]
# regress y on x and store slope estimate at position i:
reg_me = smf.ols(formula="y ~ x", data=df)
results_me = reg_me.fit()
b1_me[i] = results_me.params["x"]
# mean with and without ME:
b1_mean = np.mean(b1)
b1_me_mean = np.mean(b1_me)
print(f"b1_mean: {b1_mean}\n")
print(f"b1_me_mean: {b1_me_mean}\n")
b1_mean: 0.5002159846382418
b1_me_mean: 0.4999676458235338
# variance with and without ME:
b1_var = np.var(b1, ddof=1)
b1_me_var = np.var(b1_me, ddof=1)
print(f"b1_var: {b1_var}\n")
print(f"b1_me_var: {b1_me_var}\n")
b1_var: 0.0010335543409510668
b1_me_var: 0.0020439380493408005
# set the random seed:
# set sample size and number of simulations:
n = 1000
r = 10000
# set true parameters (betas):
beta0 = 1
beta1 = 0.5
# initialize b1 arrays to store results later:
b1 = np.empty(r)
b1_me = np.empty(r)
# draw a sample of x, fixed over replications:
xstar = stats.norm.rvs(4, 1, size=n)
# repeat r times:
for i in range(r):
# draw a sample of u:
u = stats.norm.rvs(0, 1, size=n)
# draw a sample of y:
y = beta0 + beta1 * xstar + u
# measurement error and mismeasured x:
e1 = stats.norm.rvs(0, 1, size=n)
x = xstar + e1
df = pd.DataFrame({"y": y, "xstar": xstar, "x": x})
# regress y on xstar and store slope estimate at position i:
reg_star = smf.ols(formula="y ~ xstar", data=df)
results_star = reg_star.fit()
b1[i] = results_star.params["xstar"]
# regress y on x and store slope estimate at position i:
reg_me = smf.ols(formula="y ~ x", data=df)
results_me = reg_me.fit()
b1_me[i] = results_me.params["x"]
# mean with and without ME:
b1_mean = np.mean(b1)
b1_me_mean = np.mean(b1_me)
print(f"b1_mean: {b1_mean}\n")
print(f"b1_me_mean: {b1_me_mean}\n")
b1_mean: 0.5002159846382418
b1_me_mean: 0.2445467197788616
# variance with and without ME:
b1_var = np.var(b1, ddof=1)
b1_me_var = np.var(b1_me, ddof=1)
print(f"b1_var: {b1_var}\n")
print(f"b1_me_var: {b1_me_var}\n")
b1_var: 0.0010335543409510668
b1_me_var: 0.0005435611029837354
9.3 Missing Data and Nonrandom Samples¶
# nan and inf handling in numpy:
x = np.array([-1, 0, 1, np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf])
logx = np.log(x)
invx = np.array(1 / x)
ncdf = np.array(stats.norm.cdf(x))
isnanx = np.isnan(x)
results = pd.DataFrame(
{"x": x, "logx": logx, "invx": invx, "logx": logx, "ncdf": ncdf, "isnanx": isnanx},
print(f"results: \n{results}\n")
x logx invx ncdf isnanx
0 -1.0 NaN -1.0 0.158655 False
1 0.0 -inf inf 0.500000 False
2 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.841345 False
3 NaN NaN NaN NaN True
4 inf inf 0.0 1.000000 False
5 -inf NaN -0.0 0.000000 False
/tmp/ipykernel_16428/3106953107.py:3: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
logx = np.log(x)
/tmp/ipykernel_16428/3106953107.py:3: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log
logx = np.log(x)
/tmp/ipykernel_16428/3106953107.py:4: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide
invx = np.array(1 / x)
lawsch85 = wool.data("lawsch85")
lsat_pd = lawsch85["LSAT"]
# create boolean indicator for missings:
missLSAT = lsat_pd.isna()
# LSAT and indicator for Schools No. 120-129:
preview = pd.DataFrame({"lsat_pd": lsat_pd[119:129], "missLSAT": missLSAT[119:129]})
print(f"preview: \n{preview}\n")
lsat_pd missLSAT
119 156.0 False
120 159.0 False
121 157.0 False
122 167.0 False
123 NaN True
124 158.0 False
125 155.0 False
126 157.0 False
127 NaN True
128 163.0 False
# frequencies of indicator:
freq_missLSAT = pd.crosstab(missLSAT, columns="count")
print(f"freq_missLSAT: \n{freq_missLSAT}\n")
col_0 count
False 150
True 6
# missings for all variables in data frame (counts):
miss_all = lawsch85.isna()
colsums = miss_all.sum(axis=0)
print(f"colsums: \n{colsums}\n")
rank 0
salary 8
cost 6
libvol 1
faculty 4
age 45
clsize 3
north 0
south 0
east 0
west 0
lsalary 8
studfac 6
top10 0
r11_25 0
r26_40 0
r41_60 0
llibvol 1
lcost 6
dtype: int64
# computing amount of complete cases:
complete_cases = miss_all.sum(axis=1) == 0
freq_complete_cases = pd.crosstab(complete_cases, columns="count")
print(f"freq_complete_cases: \n{freq_complete_cases}\n")
col_0 count
False 66
True 90
lawsch85 = wool.data("lawsch85")
# missings in numpy:
x_np = np.array(lawsch85["LSAT"])
x_np_bar1 = np.mean(x_np)
x_np_bar2 = np.nanmean(x_np)
print(f"x_np_bar1: {x_np_bar1}\n")
print(f"x_np_bar2: {x_np_bar2}\n")
x_np_bar1: nan
x_np_bar2: 158.29333333333332
# missings in pandas:
x_pd = lawsch85["LSAT"]
x_pd_bar1 = np.mean(x_pd)
x_pd_bar2 = np.nanmean(x_pd)
print(f"x_pd_bar1: {x_pd_bar1}\n")
print(f"x_pd_bar2: {x_pd_bar2}\n")
x_pd_bar1: 158.29333333333332
x_pd_bar2: 158.29333333333332
# observations and variables:
print(f"lawsch85.shape: {lawsch85.shape}\n")
lawsch85.shape: (156, 21)
# regression (missings are taken care of by default):
reg = smf.ols(formula="np.log(salary) ~ LSAT + cost + age", data=lawsch85)
results = reg.fit()
print(f"results.nobs: {results.nobs}\n")
results.nobs: 95.0
9.4 Outlying Observations¶
rdchem = wool.data("rdchem")
# OLS regression:
reg = smf.ols(formula="rdintens ~ sales + profmarg", data=rdchem)
results = reg.fit()
# studentized residuals for all observations:
studres = results.get_influence().resid_studentized_external
# display extreme values:
studres_max = np.max(studres)
studres_min = np.min(studres)
print(f"studres_max: {studres_max}\n")
print(f"studres_min: {studres_min}\n")
studres_max: 4.555033421514247
studres_min: -1.8180393952811693
# histogram (and overlayed density plot):
kde = sm.nonparametric.KDEUnivariate(studres)
plt.hist(studres, color="grey", density=True)
plt.plot(kde.support, kde.density, color="black", linewidth=2)

9.5 Least Absolute Deviations (LAD) Estimation¶
rdchem = wool.data("rdchem")
# OLS regression:
reg_ols = smf.ols(formula="rdintens ~ I(sales/1000) + profmarg", data=rdchem)
results_ols = reg_ols.fit()
table_ols = pd.DataFrame(
"b": round(results_ols.params, 4),
"se": round(results_ols.bse, 4),
"t": round(results_ols.tvalues, 4),
"pval": round(results_ols.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table_ols: \n{table_ols}\n")
b se t pval
Intercept 2.6253 0.5855 4.4835 0.0001
I(sales / 1000) 0.0534 0.0441 1.2111 0.2356
profmarg 0.0446 0.0462 0.9661 0.3420
# LAD regression:
reg_lad = smf.quantreg(formula="rdintens ~ I(sales/1000) + profmarg", data=rdchem)
results_lad = reg_lad.fit(q=0.5)
table_lad = pd.DataFrame(
"b": round(results_lad.params, 4),
"se": round(results_lad.bse, 4),
"t": round(results_lad.tvalues, 4),
"pval": round(results_lad.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table_lad: \n{table_lad}\n")
b se t pval
Intercept 1.6231 0.7012 2.3148 0.0279
I(sales / 1000) 0.0186 0.0528 0.3529 0.7267
profmarg 0.1179 0.0553 2.1320 0.0416