%pip install matplotlib numpy pandas statsmodels wooldridge -q
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
import wooldridge as wool
bwght = wool.data("bwght")
# regress and report coefficients:
reg = smf.ols(formula="bwght ~ cigs + faminc", data=bwght)
results = reg.fit()
# weight in pounds, manual way:
bwght["bwght_lbs"] = bwght["bwght"] / 16
reg_lbs = smf.ols(formula="bwght_lbs ~ cigs + faminc", data=bwght)
results_lbs = reg_lbs.fit()
# weight in pounds, direct way:
reg_lbs2 = smf.ols(formula="I(bwght/16) ~ cigs + faminc", data=bwght)
results_lbs2 = reg_lbs2.fit()
# packs of cigarettes:
reg_packs = smf.ols(formula="bwght ~ I(cigs/20) + faminc", data=bwght)
results_packs = reg_packs.fit()
# compare results:
table = pd.DataFrame(
"b": round(results.params, 4),
"b_lbs": round(results_lbs.params, 4),
"b_lbs2": round(results_lbs2.params, 4),
"b_packs": round(results_packs.params, 4),
print(f"table: \n{table}\n")
b b_lbs b_lbs2 b_packs
I(cigs / 20) NaN NaN NaN -9.2682
Intercept 116.9741 7.3109 7.3109 116.9741
cigs -0.4634 -0.0290 -0.0290 NaN
faminc 0.0928 0.0058 0.0058 0.0928
# define a function for the standardization:
def scale(x):
x_mean = np.mean(x)
x_var = np.var(x, ddof=1)
x_scaled = (x - x_mean) / np.sqrt(x_var)
return x_scaled
# standardize and estimate:
hprice2 = wool.data("hprice2")
hprice2["price_sc"] = scale(hprice2["price"])
hprice2["nox_sc"] = scale(hprice2["nox"])
hprice2["crime_sc"] = scale(hprice2["crime"])
hprice2["rooms_sc"] = scale(hprice2["rooms"])
hprice2["dist_sc"] = scale(hprice2["dist"])
hprice2["stratio_sc"] = scale(hprice2["stratio"])
reg = smf.ols(
formula="price_sc ~ 0 + nox_sc + crime_sc + rooms_sc + dist_sc + stratio_sc",
results = reg.fit()
# print regression table:
table = pd.DataFrame(
"b": round(results.params, 4),
"se": round(results.bse, 4),
"t": round(results.tvalues, 4),
"pval": round(results.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table: \n{table}\n")
b se t pval
nox_sc -0.3404 0.0445 -7.6511 0.0
crime_sc -0.1433 0.0307 -4.6693 0.0
rooms_sc 0.5139 0.0300 17.1295 0.0
dist_sc -0.2348 0.0430 -5.4641 0.0
stratio_sc -0.2703 0.0299 -9.0274 0.0
hprice2 = wool.data("hprice2")
reg = smf.ols(formula="np.log(price) ~ np.log(nox) + rooms", data=hprice2)
results = reg.fit()
# print regression table:
table = pd.DataFrame(
"b": round(results.params, 4),
"se": round(results.bse, 4),
"t": round(results.tvalues, 4),
"pval": round(results.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table: \n{table}\n")
b se t pval
Intercept 9.2337 0.1877 49.1835 0.0
np.log(nox) -0.7177 0.0663 -10.8182 0.0
rooms 0.3059 0.0190 16.0863 0.0
hprice2 = wool.data("hprice2")
reg = smf.ols(
formula="np.log(price) ~ np.log(nox)+np.log(dist)+rooms+I(rooms**2)+stratio",
results = reg.fit()
# print regression table:
table = pd.DataFrame(
"b": round(results.params, 4),
"se": round(results.bse, 4),
"t": round(results.tvalues, 4),
"pval": round(results.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table: \n{table}\n")
b se t pval
Intercept 13.3855 0.5665 23.6295 0.0000
np.log(nox) -0.9017 0.1147 -7.8621 0.0000
np.log(dist) -0.0868 0.0433 -2.0051 0.0455
rooms -0.5451 0.1655 -3.2946 0.0011
I(rooms ** 2) 0.0623 0.0128 4.8623 0.0000
stratio -0.0476 0.0059 -8.1293 0.0000
6.1.5 Hypothesis Testing¶
hprice2 = wool.data("hprice2")
n = hprice2.shape[0]
reg = smf.ols(
formula="np.log(price) ~ np.log(nox)+np.log(dist)+rooms+I(rooms**2)+stratio",
results = reg.fit()
# implemented F test for rooms:
hypotheses = ["rooms = 0", "I(rooms ** 2) = 0"]
ftest = results.f_test(hypotheses)
fstat = ftest.statistic
fpval = ftest.pvalue
print(f"fstat: {fstat}\n")
print(f"fpval: {fpval}\n")
fstat: 110.4187819266921
fpval: 1.9193250019565814e-40
attend = wool.data("attend")
n = attend.shape[0]
reg = smf.ols(
formula="stndfnl ~ atndrte*priGPA + ACT + I(priGPA**2) + I(ACT**2)",
results = reg.fit()
# print regression table:
table = pd.DataFrame(
"b": round(results.params, 4),
"se": round(results.bse, 4),
"t": round(results.tvalues, 4),
"pval": round(results.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table: \n{table}\n")
b se t pval
Intercept 2.0503 1.3603 1.5072 0.1322
atndrte -0.0067 0.0102 -0.6561 0.5120
priGPA -1.6285 0.4810 -3.3857 0.0008
atndrte:priGPA 0.0056 0.0043 1.2938 0.1962
ACT -0.1280 0.0985 -1.3000 0.1940
I(priGPA ** 2) 0.2959 0.1010 2.9283 0.0035
I(ACT ** 2) 0.0045 0.0022 2.0829 0.0376
# estimate for partial effect at priGPA=2.59:
b = results.params
partial_effect = b["atndrte"] + 2.59 * b["atndrte:priGPA"]
print(f"partial_effect: {partial_effect}\n")
partial_effect: 0.007754572228608975
# F test for partial effect at priGPA=2.59:
hypotheses = "atndrte + 2.59 * atndrte:priGPA = 0"
ftest = results.f_test(hypotheses)
fstat = ftest.statistic
fpval = ftest.pvalue
print(f"fstat: {fstat}\n")
print(f"fpval: {fpval}\n")
fstat: 8.632581056740781
fpval: 0.003414992399585439
gpa2 = wool.data("gpa2")
reg = smf.ols(formula="colgpa ~ sat + hsperc + hsize + I(hsize**2)", data=gpa2)
results = reg.fit()
# print regression table:
table = pd.DataFrame(
"b": round(results.params, 4),
"se": round(results.bse, 4),
"t": round(results.tvalues, 4),
"pval": round(results.pvalues, 4),
print(f"table: \n{table}\n")
b se t pval
Intercept 1.4927 0.0753 19.8118 0.0000
sat 0.0015 0.0001 22.8864 0.0000
hsperc -0.0139 0.0006 -24.6981 0.0000
hsize -0.0609 0.0165 -3.6895 0.0002
I(hsize ** 2) 0.0055 0.0023 2.4056 0.0162
# generate data set containing the regressor values for predictions:
cvalues1 = pd.DataFrame(
{"sat": [1200], "hsperc": [30], "hsize": [5]},
print(f"cvalues1: \n{cvalues1}\n")
sat hsperc hsize
newPerson1 1200 30 5
# point estimate of prediction (cvalues1):
colgpa_pred1 = results.predict(cvalues1)
print(f"colgpa_pred1: \n{colgpa_pred1}\n")
newPerson1 2.700075
dtype: float64
# define three sets of regressor variables:
cvalues2 = pd.DataFrame(
{"sat": [1200, 900, 1400], "hsperc": [30, 20, 5], "hsize": [5, 3, 1]},
index=["newPerson1", "newPerson2", "newPerson3"],
print(f"cvalues2: \n{cvalues2}\n")
sat hsperc hsize
newPerson1 1200 30 5
newPerson2 900 20 3
newPerson3 1400 5 1
# point estimate of prediction (cvalues2):
colgpa_pred2 = results.predict(cvalues2)
print(f"colgpa_pred2: \n{colgpa_pred2}\n")
newPerson1 2.700075
newPerson2 2.425282
newPerson3 3.457448
dtype: float64
Example 6.5: Confidence Interval for Predicted College GPA¶
gpa2 = wool.data("gpa2")
reg = smf.ols(formula="colgpa ~ sat + hsperc + hsize + I(hsize**2)", data=gpa2)
results = reg.fit()
# define three sets of regressor variables:
cvalues2 = pd.DataFrame(
{"sat": [1200, 900, 1400], "hsperc": [30, 20, 5], "hsize": [5, 3, 1]},
index=["newPerson1", "newPerson2", "newPerson3"],
# point estimates and 95% confidence and prediction intervals:
colgpa_PICI_95 = results.get_prediction(cvalues2).summary_frame(alpha=0.05)
print(f"colgpa_PICI_95: \n{colgpa_PICI_95}\n")
mean mean_se mean_ci_lower mean_ci_upper obs_ci_lower \
0 2.700075 0.019878 2.661104 2.739047 1.601749
1 2.425282 0.014258 2.397329 2.453235 1.327292
2 3.457448 0.027891 3.402766 3.512130 2.358452
0 3.798402
1 3.523273
2 4.556444
# point estimates and 99% confidence and prediction intervals:
colgpa_PICI_99 = results.get_prediction(cvalues2).summary_frame(alpha=0.01)
print(f"colgpa_PICI_99: \n{colgpa_PICI_99}\n")
mean mean_se mean_ci_lower mean_ci_upper obs_ci_lower \
0 2.700075 0.019878 2.648850 2.751301 1.256386
1 2.425282 0.014258 2.388540 2.462025 0.982034
2 3.457448 0.027891 3.385572 3.529325 2.012879
0 4.143765
1 3.868530
2 4.902018
6.2.2 Effect Plots for Nonlinear Specifications¶
hprice2 = wool.data("hprice2")
# repeating the regression from Example 6.2:
reg = smf.ols(
formula="np.log(price) ~ np.log(nox)+np.log(dist)+rooms+I(rooms**2)+stratio",
results = reg.fit()
# predictions with rooms = 4-8, all others at the sample mean:
nox_mean = np.mean(hprice2["nox"])
dist_mean = np.mean(hprice2["dist"])
stratio_mean = np.mean(hprice2["stratio"])
X = pd.DataFrame(
"rooms": np.linspace(4, 8, num=5),
"nox": nox_mean,
"dist": dist_mean,
"stratio": stratio_mean,
print(f"X: \n{X}\n")
rooms nox dist stratio
0 4.0 5.549783 3.795751 18.459289
1 5.0 5.549783 3.795751 18.459289
2 6.0 5.549783 3.795751 18.459289
3 7.0 5.549783 3.795751 18.459289
4 8.0 5.549783 3.795751 18.459289
# calculate 95% confidence interval:
lpr_PICI = results.get_prediction(X).summary_frame(alpha=0.05)
lpr_CI = lpr_PICI[["mean", "mean_ci_lower", "mean_ci_upper"]]
print(f"lpr_CI: \n{lpr_CI}\n")
mean mean_ci_lower mean_ci_upper
0 9.661702 9.499811 9.823593
1 9.676940 9.610215 9.743665
2 9.816700 9.787055 9.846345
3 10.080983 10.042409 10.119557
4 10.469788 10.383361 10.556215
# plot:
plt.plot(X["rooms"], lpr_CI["mean"], color="black", linestyle="-", label="")
label="upper CI",
label="lower CI",
